No one wants to see bubbles coming up out of the toilet, but there are certain situations that could cause this phenomenon. It will usually be related to a blockage in your pipes. So if you are running water down a sink or shower and notice this happening, you will need to do some detective work, that is, if you don’t just call a plumber right away.

Rest assured, that you’re most likely on the verge of a catastrophic sewage incident. More than likely the blockage is related to your vent pipe.

Vent pipes are needed to let gasses that are displaced inside of your sewage pipes exit the system somewhere. If the pipe is blocked, these gasses will find the easiest way out, which often will prove to be your toilet. It could very well be a bird or rodent nest in the vent pipe, so be careful when cleaning it out so you don’t get an unpleasant surprise.

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