Here is a problem that many homeowners struggle with: when turning on the cold water on their faucet, only warm water comes out instead. This can be very frustrating, especially if you are trying to get refreshed by drinking a cold glass of water.
There are many different reasons that can cause this issue, and we’re going to cover a few of them, but hopefully, it will be helpful for you in identifying what the reason is in your case.
One very common reason is the proximity between your pipes. If they are too close to each other, the hot water pipe could be heating up the water in the cold water pipe. You can try to get some insulation in between the pipes to resolve this issue.
Another possibility is that your heating system is heating up the water. If you have a duct that is right next to your cold water pipe, or if you have hot air blowing onto a pipe, this could easily heat it up.
There are many more issues that could be the cause, but those are a couple of the more common ones.

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